Wellness Webinar: Nature's Powerful Effects on Healing - PUBLIC REGISTRATION

01/28/2025 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


Our Spring Women's Wellness Series

Connecting with the World Around Us

Ana Leilani Ka'ahanui

Please Join us as Ana discusses the powerful impact of nature on healing and how Forest Bathing, an ancient Japanese technique, can be easily introduced into our daily lives to connect, reflect, and heal. Ana was our W Connection Forest Bathing Guide during our 15-year celebration in DC and has graciously agreed to talk with our community about understanding our natural world.

Ana Leilani Ka’ahanui is a Co-Founder of the DC metro area nonprofit Capital Nature. Her organization’s mission is to connect the people and visitors of the DC area to the abundance of nature in the region. She has been a forest bathing guide since 2020 through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and is devoted to sharing this nature-based mindfulness practice throughout the DC region. Her love for trees, as a dendrophile, extends to sharing her knowledge and experiences as a Virginia Master Naturalist. Engaging in citizen science initiatives such as the global City Nature Challenge allows her to contribute to a broader understanding of her community’s biodiversity. Ana is also an experienced tour leader for biophilic and sustainability-based projects. She has worked at the U.S. Green Building Council since 2003 in various capacities that connect people to the green world. Ana is passionate about using the natural and built environment as a tool for learning and healing. Her favorite word is “wonder.”

This Wellness Webinar is open to non-members of the W Connection.  As part of your membership fee, there is no additional charge.  

For non-members of the W Connection, there is a $25 suggested donation to the W Connection. 

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